Category Archives: Agile

3 People in a Room

Sometimes in Software development, the organization is not quite mature enough to know what we’re going to do. In other organizations there are tons of ideas about what to do, but it’s not written down.

Three People in a Room is a tenet that I coined back in 2012 to describe what needs to happen as a feature/story is generated.

To put it simply, three groups need to be in the represented whenever a decision is made about a feature. Those groups are:

  • The idea Owner (typically a product manager)
  • The Doer (typically development)
  • The Verifier (typically a tester)

It is imperative that these three (3) groups are represented in EVERY conversation and participate in EVERY decision about a feature.

Priority and Severity

Priority and Severity are the foundational methods to categorize work items in software development. With the agreement and buy-in across the team on the accepted definitions, it is much easier to order and schedule work.

Below are the industry standards for Priority and Severity. Do not stray from these definitions. You will only end up dooming your team to failure.

An organizational ordering of the work item. It is not based on how hard the problem is or who it affects. It defines importance to the team. It typically affects when the work will be scheduled.
1 – High – Most important/valuable to the organization. We will fix this bug first.
2 – Medium – Moderately important. We’ll fix this bug eventually.
3 – Low – Least important. We’ll fix this bug when we get around to it.

There is no need for more than 3 levels of prioritization.

A technical categorization of the bug. How much of an effect does the work item have? Is it the game changing new feature that we think will make our profits soar? Is it the terrible bug that every one of our users sees every time they login? Maybe it’s just a typo on the About Us page. Severity defines the what. There are 4 levels of severity:
• Critical – This is a serious. Wake up the CIO. Some part of the system is down and it is affecting all customers. There is no known workaround. If necessary, all hands on-deck to get this done.
• Major – Some part of the system is not working properly, affecting all customers. There is an effective workaround.
• Minor – Some part of the system is not working properly, affecting some customers.
• Low – Pesky problem for some customer, but they can live with it until we fix it.

A blocker is neither a Priority nor a Severity. Do not get caught in that trap. A blocker indicates that something is blocking something else from occurring. A bug can block other bugs from being tested. Knowing that something is a blocker can affect the bug’s priority.

Support Sprints

The nature of our support dictates that when our customer calls, we drop what we’re doing to work on the problem.  This keeps our customers happy. And it makes us feel good that we can fix it.

The problem with support is that it cannot be scheduled effectively.  Why?  Because we don’t know how long support will take.

  • The actual time could be more than the allocated time. This leads to sprint leakage as properly estimated work cannot be completed.
  • The actual time could be less than the allocated time, which leads to either: 1) pulling in random work which may not get completed, 2) spending too much time on stories that are really complete, but we’ll write one more unit test, or 3) twiddling our thumbs.
  • Context switching which is hard to do and wastes a lot of time. (cit. Spolsky, cit. Atwood)

A method that I have seen work well in past consultant engagements is to designate a support sprint. In each iteration, one dev team gets the support sprint. That team is essentially “on call”. When not actively engaged in a support call, the team can work on the support backlog (the triaged list of open support/infrastructure/internal bugs). This affords the following:

  • Dedicated feature sprints without interruptions (and hopefully less sprint carryover).
  • A pool of semi-dedicated resources always at the ready to work those critical severity / high priority issues as they arise.
  • A built-in method to whittle down the infrastructure backlog.
  • No single team feeling stuck in a support capacity because the support sprint rotates among the teams.

Have you used support sprints in your organization?  I’d like to hear more about how you implemented them and how well or poorly they worked.

Tenets of a Performant Development team

Our customers are very important to us.  We will do everything reasonable to make our customers happy.  If we cannot satisfy or customer, they will fire us.  If our customer is unreasonable, we will fire them.

Our software is not overly complicated;  it is easy to understand.  If the architecture takes an hour-long meeting to explain, it’s wrong.

We operate as a team.  We communicate.  Occasionally, we will argue (respectfully) because we all have different opinions.  That’s ok. We are not offended by it.  If someone on my team needs help, I readily volunteer to help.  For you manager types, read this article of stages of team development to help your team get to the Performing stage.

We commit completed, tested, demonstrable code.  What does that mean?

  • We don’t break features up into a bunches of unrelated stories.  We are committed to getting the feature done by the end of our development cycle (iteration/sprint).
  • We don’t commit half-assed ideas to the trunk in lots of little piece.   Every source control system out there has a way to save your bits and pieces off to the side (branches, forks, shelvesets, etc.) while they are not complete ideas.  Your feature should be committed to the trunk in a single piece.
  • There are automated tests around as much of it as possible (i.e. all of it).
  • We can show it to the customer and they can understand it easily.

We write software.  If our automated builds/test are broken, then we are no longer writing software, we are writing bugs.  Therefore a properly functioning, successful (green) build is a priority.  We regularly monitor our builds and fix them.  Our software is tested automatically;  we do not accept broken software.

Agile Estimation

Follow are a few thoughts on proper agile estimation and planning

Agile principles that apply to this conversation include:

  • The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
  • Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
  • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
  • The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

Here’s examples of how traditional estimation/effort and planning fails:

  • The design is done early, but is not documented well enough for the developer to simply pick up and do the work.
  • The resulting story is broken down further into smaller stories that provide little or no context, again making it difficult to do the work.
  • Acceptance criteria are not defined. How can we prove that the finished product meets the requirement?
  • By the time the estimated story gets picked up, several sprints have gone by, and we’ve forgotten what we were doing or why we estimated it the way we did.
  • Handoffs add an inherent level of miscommunication. Each hallway conversation, email, written design document, etc. adds noise to the line of communication.

Agile estimation should be limited to a very wide estimation based on level of effort with no design; it is best to leave the low-level analysis and design to the team that picks up the story.

The Agile Estimation Process

The most common Agile Methodology concept is a User Story. It is a simply a written sentence or two that states succinctly what we’re going to do. A story can come from anywhere: customers, product managers, developers, support, etc.. Here is an example of a well written story: “As a bank, I want the flexibility to assign limits and review rules to a user or group of uses each time the user begins a transaction.” Note that the story does not specify how we will achieve this, only what we need.

So let’s discuss the estimation process. The estimation process should be simple and quick. There are three simple steps:

1. Presentation – The story owner (a.k.a. stakeholder) presents the story. It should be written down for everyone to see. In 5 minutes or less, give any background, context, or vision for the story.

2. Discussion – This is where everyone else gets to ask questions. I like to timebox discussions at 5 minutes. Anything longer invites deep design conversations, which are unnecessary at this point. Remember that we are just estimating. We don’t need to design it. Design should be left up to the team that picks up the story in their sprint.

3. Estimation – Everyone votes on how long it will take to implement the story. Usually, the estimation is in some form of time, or effort. If all are not in agreement, others may explain why they think it will take longer/shorter to do the work. This should take no more than 2 minutes.

Introducing 3 People in a Room

Every feature estimation needs to have at least 3 people in the room. This is actually a good rule to follow for ANY conversation about the story.

1. The customer – provides context for the feature. The customer says “We want to do this for these reasons”

2. The developer – understands software architecture, provides design advice.

3. The tester – understands the what and how of the design, so that we can prove that it works. The tester provides valuable insight into how long it will take to proof a feature.